Alte Königstraße 1, Altona
Simplicity, Altona deserves.
A full renovation has been taken in our property in Altona creating a penthouse apartment within a surrounding terrace.
Nothing enhances a property like a penthouse – and there’s no more coveted residential unit than the luxury apartment on the top floor. For good reason too: Altona penthouse combines maximum comfort and privacy with an unobstructed panoramic view to the hafen to create an extraordinary feel-good ambience.

Comfort, privacy and panoramic views.
The penthouse was created on the top floor of the fully renovated multi-storey (residential) building. The penthouse floor plan is a little smaller than the floor area of the building itself, thus creating space for the aforementioned surrounding terraces while also ensuring the owners’ privacy.
Modern minimalism.
Although there is a traditional sloped ceiling, the penthouse was designed in a very modern minimalist and simple way. the least amount of colours and the maximum amount of open space.
For this reason, a penthouse is always an additional final storey that blends harmoniously with the aesthetics of the entire property, while also providing its owners with design freedom that no other apartment can match.